Saturday, January 31, 2009

How To Find Adsense Blogger Software That Turns Free Blogging Into Thousands Of Dollars

By []Christopher Kyalo

Does the word "software" bore you to tears, even when it is software that has to do with Adsense and blogger? The sort of software that can put thousands of dollars into your Adsense and Paypal accounts in the next couple of hours?

Well, I have a confession to make. Not too long ago I was exactly like that. But my advice is that you do what I did. Make a great big effort to stay wide awake for the next few minutes to read through this article and chances are that your life will never be the same again. Or yawn and hit the "back" button and continue with your futile struggle to try and make some serious money from your online business.

You are much luckier than I was. You don't have to wade through dozens of articles written by geeks (some of it in technical geek language). You have everything you will ever need to know about Adsense blogger software and software that can make you a fortune in one easy to read article.

Why should you sit up and pay a lot of attention at the mention of Adsense blogger software, even if that is not exactly what you are looking for at the moment? The answer should be obvious and is best illustrated by the simple truth that after all the dust settled around the computer and personal computer invention geniuses, the fortunes went to Bill Gates, the software guy.

Not to Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs the two kids who changed the world forever in a small garage when they invented the first amazing personal computer, which they called Apple. Incidentally it is Apple computers who also invented the incredible mouse that made it possible for the first time to use a computer without having to memorize or write down the numerous complex commands that were required to get anything done. The mouse made it possible for the first time to simply point at an icon and click. Well into the Internet age we are still clicking away at everything. Yes, I know you take it all for granted and even if you were around in the 1980s, like I was, to see it all unfolding before your eyes, you still take this major convenience for granted.

Neither did the fortunes go to the dozens of other heroic geniuses whose amazing breakthroughs ushered in the amazing information age in which we now live in.

The fortunes all went to boring software. What does that mean?

It means that it is software that changed everything. And even today, software still changes everything. Let me explain.

How does a one-man small operation like yours compete with a well-financed online business with dozens of staff? The answer is software. A few smart online entrepreneurs have discovered this secret and their lives have never been the same again.

Why Blogger Software?

Good question. I'll answer it by asking two question of my own. Which is by far the most popular search engine on earth? Who owns The answer to those two questions is Google. This means that you can say all you want to say about how horrible blogger is for creating blogs and you can join the popular school of thought that says blogger is yesterday's news. But that will not change the fact that the Google search engine finds it easier to index blogger blogs and posts faster and they usually end up quite high in search results. Not to mention the blogger search which is rising rapidly in popularity all the time.

So if you were able to find software that helps you quickly create quality blogger blogs. Software that is specifically designed with blogger in mind and which therefore guarantees that your blogs won't get flagged on suspicion of being spam blogs or splogs and get deleted or blocked. If you can ever find such software then it means you'll already be halfway to the bank.

Does such software exist? You bet it does, just read on and get the details.

Blogger Adsense Software Means Automating Functions That Will Rapidly Increase Traffic Software means that stuff that you were previously doing manually is suddenly automated. Automating means blinding speed. Remember that most of the key functions in a blog have a direct bearing on traffic. For instance the more keyword rich, optimized pages your blog has, the more traffic you will have. It is as simple as that. Does software deal with the issue of the right keywords and optimizing pages for search engines? The answer is yes.


History is supposed to teach us so that we do not repeat the same mistakes that were done by those who came before us. Unfortunately, this hardly happens mos of the time and the human race keeps on repeating the same mistakes.

In the personal computers era the fortunes went in the direction of software. Go ahead and do all your stuff manually and no matter how brilliant a genius you are, rest assured that the fortunes in this Internet age are still headed in exactly the same direction. It is in the direction of software. And that is why numerous smart entrepreneurs are already making significant incomes online from Adsense, using blogger and the right software.

Visit the writer's []Adsense Software blogger blog to view a selection of the best blogger software available today that has already helped so many bloggers suddenly start earning thousands of dollars from blogging.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why Google Friend Connect is a Must For Bloggers

By []Brian Schwartz

Usually when Google Friend Connect is mentioned, most people assume it is used exclusively with websites. This is not completely accurate as the Google Friend Connect widget can often prove very helpful to blogs. Namely, the widget can greatly expand a blog's readership potential.

Blogging is incredibly popular as evidenced by the multitude of blogs proliferating on the internet. Many blogs have large audiences and, in most cases, readers are allowed to comment on the entries in the blog. While this is a decent method of interaction between the Google Friend Connect blogger and the readers, it is also quite limited. Simply commenting on the blogs does not always stimulate excitement. Additionally, due to the design of the average blog, comments have a tendency to drop down the page and out of sight. If they are out of site then the comments probably will do little for increasing interest in the blog. That is why Google Friend Connect can provide a mega boost to a blog.

Google Friend Connect is a free system that can add social networking functions to a blog. Simply cutting and pasting a widget code onto the blog will have you in business in a short period of time. Once the widget is in place, readers can create profiles, create their own friends list, and communicate with one another. All of these tactics can work wonders for making a blog popular and lively. Now, some may think this is not necessary for a blog's success but it has a potentially huge benefit. If a blog becomes ground zero for a huge social network, the blogger can reap a number of rewards. Namely, the blogger might become very well known and popular while also greatly increasing potential revenue streams.

This inclusion of social network function into blogs is a huge leap forward from bloggings early days. Originally, blogs started out rather innocuously. The early "weblogs" centered almost exclusively on computer information and technology related subjects. In time, these subjects would expand to include a multitude of subjects. With the great variety of subjects, more and more readers became attracted to blogs. Eventually, the readership of blog rose into the hundreds of millions. This took the traditional media by surprise as many individuals were able to achieve fame through their blogging. To say this was a radical departure from the traditional, established mean of gaining notoriety for writing and news presentation would be a major understatement. In the past, the only way to reach a large media audience was through the major cable television channels, newspapers, or magazines with high circulations. Blogging changed all that and now Google Friend Connect may take blogging to the next level.

Why is Google Friend Connect so potentially helpful to bloggers? Keep in mind merely launching a blog does not mean it will automatically draw a huge audience. The audience has to be built and sometimes that can take a lot of time. This is why a proactive method for building an audience is so critical. Google Friend Connect can aid in developing that audience.

Once Google Friend Connect starts to connect like-minded readers into the blog's social network, the network will start to take a life of its own. That is, the members of the blog network may become members of other Google Friend Connect networks. This will lead to traffic deriving from these other avenues. Also, there is nothing stopping the publisher of the blog proactively becoming a member of other Google Friend Connect networks. This will lead to even further traffic and popularity. Best of all, this method is much cheaper than taking part in a number of traditional search engine optimization methods.

Another huge benefit to using Google Friend Connect is that the increased popularity and traffic will greatly enhance the ability to monetize a blog. Most blogs rely on pay per click advertising and affiliate marketing. With more and more people actively investing time with the new found Google Friend Connect social networking applications on the blog, the ability to convert these visitors into ad revenue generating visitors will increase dramatically.

The bottom line is that blogs need an audience and some form of publicity in order to be successful. A Google Friend network can deliver on both of these goals. Provided, of course, it is teamed with a very motivated blogger.

For Tips on Increasing Exposure to your Blog with Google Friend Connect, visit

© 2008 Friend Connect Directory - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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7 Ideas For Increasing Your Internet Marketing Presence

By []Bobette Kyle

Marketing online is a critical part of any marketing plan. Here are seven Internet-based marketing ideas you may not have thought about for your 2007 marketing plan:

Volunteer for Internet Interviews

Podcasts, Webcasts, blogs, RSS feeds and newsletters (ezines) are all venues for online interviews or discussions. You'll want to approach publishers who regularly conduct interviews with guests of your caliber, so finding opportunities will take some research. Do this by searching general search engines (such as or directories. Some directories to get you started: (podcasts), (ezines), (RSS feeds/blogs)

Approach Bloggers Interested in Your Type of Product

Send your product to bloggers as a gift. You are doing this to expose your product to influencers in your category by giving them an opportunity to try it free (not to bribe or beg them to mention the product). If the bloggers like it, they may give it a mention in their blogs. Note that this is a subtle Internet marketing technique. Choosing to mention (or not mention) your product should be solely up to them.

You can find and read blogs by searching blogging directories such as

Join One or More Online Networks

Online social networks allow you to set up a profile page and interact with others who have your same professional (or personal) interests. Each network has different features and may appeal to a different kind of user. As with all Internet marketing techniques, there are dos and don'ts, so you'll want to read some of the profiles and learn a particular site's rules before aggressively working the network. Some networks to explore:,,,,

Send Out One or More Press Releases

First and foremost, the release must be something newsworthy to the media (if you need ideas, read the article here: Also, be sure to include a link to your Website or blog in the press release. Finally, distribute the release through an online press release service such as

Survey Your Website Visitors

Surveys can help you identify opportunities for improvement. Since online attention spans are very short, try asking a single two-part question such as Fred Reichhold's Ultimate Question: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend __________." Fill in the blank with your Website name (or other relevant product). To those who reply with a 6 or lower, ask why they are not more likely to recommend. You should see a pattern in the comments. These will lead to ways of improving your site. There are software packages to help you set up an online survey. Also, is a popular Web interface for producing online surveys.

Convey Patrick Hanlon's 7 Primal Branding Pieces Online

According to Hanlon, the seven "Primal Branding" pieces -- a creation story, creed, icons, rituals, sacred words, nonbelievers and leaders -- form belief systems that inherently attract people who want to believe in a product. Those people form the communities that surround successful products and services. Conveying as many of these as you can online can help build followers online.

Study Your 5 Closest Competitors' Websites and Online Marketing Activities

By studying the competition you will not only gain a better understanding of trends in your industry, but also gain new insights into promotional strategies for your own business. As you research, brainstorm a list of ideas and use that list to plan a new online strategy or technique for your own business.

There you have it -- seven ideas for improving your Internet marketing presence. Integrate one or more into your 2007 marketing plan and you'll be on your way to greater success.

Bobette Kyle draws upon 15+ years of Marketing/Executive experience, online marketing experience, and marketing MBA as inspiration for her writing. Bobette is proprietor at Web Marketing Place LLC and runs


-- -- where you'll find free marketing planning articles and resources. She is also author of the marketing plan and Web promotion book "How Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Website Marketing For Small Budget Business."

Copyright 2006 Bobette Kyle. All rights reserved. Reprints must have URL in "About the Author" box hyperlinked to the correct URL and clickable.

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Why Do Blogs Fail?

Why Do Blogs Fail?
By []Partha Bhattacharya

Taking off from a previous article where I wrote why it is necessary to start a blog, here are some pointers as to how over time blogs tend to dilute the central theme, which after all is writing contents.

Not long back, the idea of blogging caught everyone's fancy. Akin to wildfire-like spread of various types of social media sites - Digg, Orkut, MySpace, YouTube, et al - blogging also became popular in no time. People I know, who are otherwise gainfully occupied elsewhere and have seldom scribbled anything meaningful for a long time, suddenly felt a dire need of expressing themselves through blogs.

That is where lies the attractiveness of blogs. Connecting with others whom probably you may not know. Several tools and applications like MyBlogLog, FeedBurner, FeedBlitz, etc. have made the blogs even more endearing. And terms such as rss, permalink, trackback have become familiar in no time.

What however turned out to be the most effective spade to shove the concept of blogging is the ease of starting one. The other plus is that in most cases it's free to debut and carry on blogging. With Blogger, Wordpress and a host of others, starting a blog is child's play. Blogger's slogan, 'Push-Button Publishing' says it all lucidly.

If you keep in touch with Google Groups' Blogger Help Group, you'd know how the blogging fraternity is rapidly expanding allover. That surely is an indication of people's growing urge to 'publish' their thoughts and actions on the Internet, and in the process be heard and commented upon by others.

However, it's not long when the initial euphoria of blogging slowly starts ebbing, and then starts the pain of maintaining blog. In most cases, this aspect alone is what separates the wheat from the chaff. Since the bottomline of a successful blog is what else but solid contents, many promising startups that lack this virtue end up like an art unfinished.

Why do most blogs perish just after birth? 2 reasons come to mind. One is that for most startup bloogers, blogging is just an infatuation toward being 'seen' on Internet. Doesn't matter a new blog is only a speck of dust in thin air. Since infatuation and seriousness are poles apart from one another, a newbie's blog, if not pursued with vigor, hurtles toward oblivion in no time.

The second reason is more to do with perceived necessity than ability or wherewithal to support new efforts. I'm inclined to include website owners in this category who are already waist-deep in this.

The ease of starting a blog and availability of touchup tools to make it ornamental are juicy enough for many webmasters to start as many blogs as thought necessary. Only later does it dawn that carrying along those many blogs is a big drag on resources.

This brings me to the point I often like to put my bets on. It's that no website or blog can hope to succeed without contents. We've heard so many times that search engines put premium on quality contents and interlinking among them. If this is true for non-blog websites, there's no reason why it shouldn't be for blogs as well.

But, say we put aside search engines' requirements for a moment. What about flesh-n-blood visitors? Would they like a blog if it smells of staleness? When that happens, it signals the end of yet another valiant attempt at blogging. You get the point, don't you?

Partha Bhattacharya owns and runs []Words2Content blog that focuses on writing, blogging and optimizing web contents. He also runs []Kolkata Musing, a blog on the city of Kolkata in India where he lives.

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Digital Camera Rating Headline Animator

Net Ads Make Money Online

Why AdSense Isn't Performing Well on Your Blog
By TC Thorn

I'm fortunate enough to make a nice living from running Google AdSense on my blogs and websites, and I often get questions from folks who are trying to figure out why the program doesn't perform for them. How can you make dollars - even hundreds of dollars - a day instead of mere pennies?

In this article, I'm covering some of the most common reasons people have trouble making money from AdSense.

1. AdSense works best on niche consumer-oriented blogs

To those of us who have been making money online for a while, this seems obvious, but lots of new folks haven't had that ah ha realization yet.

If your blog is a journal of your life or serves mostly to entertain, it's not going to be a good candidate for AdSense (and - I'll be honest here - it's probably not going to make much from other programs either).

The best performers are blogs that are focused on a specific niche. Even more, that niche should have lots of products or services associated with it.

For example, a blog on home improvement (many of my sites are in the home and garden niche) can do well since there are all sorts of tools and products people buy when they're looking to remodel or otherwise improve their homes. There are also plenty of services related to this niche, everything from roofing companies to pool maintenance outfits. All of those companies that offer products or services in that niche will want to advertise on your blog, and they're willing to pay well for qualified clicks.

On the other hand, if your blog is unfocused or attracts people looking more for entertainment than information related to products and services, you'll find advertisers less likely to pay well (that's when you see those 1 and 2 cent clicks).

2. Ads must be placed prominently in order to attract attention

I noticed a gal on Twitter complaining that AdSense was making her something like 18 cents a day. I checked out her site, and lo and behold, her tiny 125x125 AdSense block was way over on the right side of her blog below the fold.

If you want to make money with AdSense, stick those ads where people will see them!

This means getting them as close to your content as possible (if you can wrap the ads right into the blog post, it's best) and keeping them above the fold (people shouldn't have to scroll down to see your ads).

Also, don't be afraid to use big ad blocks. Those large rectangles are the best performers - people can't miss them. If you want to make money from your blog, you can't be shy about placing those ads prominently.

3. Write about products or services that cost a lot

It's a foregone conclusion that you'll make more per click from a blog that reviews $500-$1000 backyard grills than one that reviews books or cds that cost $20. The profit margins are a lot higher on big ticket items, so advertisers can afford to bid more per click.

It's also helpful if the items you're writing about are easily purchased over the internet. Even though hot tubs cost thousands of dollars, they tend to be items that people try out first and buy locally. On the other hand, software packages that cost a few hundred dollars are logical choices for ordering online.

As you can see from this short list, the real secret to doing well with AdSense is to pick your niche - and start a blog - based on the potential for profit rather than adding AdSense to an existing blog and hoping it will make you rich.

If your existing blog isn't at all consumer oriented, but it has a lot of traffic, you can always use it to drive traffic to a new blog that does work well with the AdSense model. Don't give up - you can definitely make good money from AdSense (and other affiliate and advertising programs as well), if you're willing to build a site that will appeal to both visitors and advertisers.

The author earns a full-time income from running Adsense on her blogs and websites. For more advice, check out the AdSense section of her writing blog.

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Labels:adsense, Google adsense, blog info, blogs, blog for income, blogging for money

Networkers Club Blog

Most Profitable Adsense Blog: What Does It Look Like?
By Christopher Kyalo

What does the most profitable Adsense blog look like? What can a blogger intending to take advantage of the Google Adsense program learn from such a blog?

The most profitable Adsense blog tends to have plenty of pages of useful content. The Adsense program feeds off content-hunger. It is widely believed that the availability of so much free information online has dramatically reduced the hunger for information. Actually the very opposite is true. The World Wide Web is to information what the radio was to pop music sales. The most profitable Adsense blog owners have long realized this fact.

Would you believe the fact that initially record companies resisted having their songs played on radio. That is until they realized that rather than quench people's thirst and demand, radio dramatically increased it. Folks would listen to a song on the radio and line up in music stores to purchase it. The most profitable Adsense blogs will tend to serve their content in such a way that they help to create even more hunger for information rather than quench it. They do this by providing such interesting information that visitors to the blog immediately desire to know even more.

This is one of the most important distinguishing factors about the most profitable Adsense blogs.

Find out how you can learn more about the best Adsense make money secrets from an expert who makes over $19,000 a month from Adsense. Or grab my ezine on Adsense secrets for free by sending a blank email now to

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Labels:adsense, adsense blog, blog profits, money blog, blogging for money, blog info

Make Money With Blogger
By Tracey A Edwards

Want to make some extra cash? Well with all the great free resources on the internet it is now even easier to do that and my favorite way is to make money with Blogger. Blogger is Google's free blogging platform and one of the easiest and simplest ways to get started. All you need to do is decide on a name and theme (what you are going to write about) and start posting. Now of course there are still some extra things that you need to do to make your blog profitable than just start writing so get comfortable while I fill you in on the best ways to earn some nice money from a free Blogger blog.

Before you set up your blog you need to spend a little bit of time thinking about what you are going to write about. The reason you should do this first is so that you can decide on the best name for your blog. Having keywords in your blog's title will give it a tiny boost in the search engines so choose wisely. Obviously it needs to be something that is tied in with the theme of your blog, so if you are going to write chocolate recipes then something like would be a good name. Oh and if you do decide to blog about chocolate then let me know because I'd love to try some of your recipes!

Now you can go ahead and start your blog. Head over to and follow the easy instructions to get started. Once you are done you can start by writing your first post.

Unsure what you should write about? Think about how you can offer your readers great value. My recipe example from before is great, or you can offer tips on how to make money online or even choosing the perfect lipstick for your skintone. Obviously you'll need to tie each post into the theme of the site so you can't just write about random topics and hope to gain a following. Pretty soon if you write everyday or at least a few times a week your blog will start showing up in search engines and people will begin to visit.

Now that you've got traffic you can put some money making features onto your blog. One of the easiest ways to earn some cash is to write reviews for products in your niche that you earn a commission on. Every third or fourth post make a review about a product that is helpful to someone in your niche. So going back to our chocolate example, perhaps you can recommend a great fondue set or chocolate moulds that your readers might like.

You can find lots of different items to promote where you earn a commission from places like Amazon, eBay or digital products on Clickbank. Pretty soon your free Blogger blog will be making some great money for you.

For more great money making ideas grab your copy of Blog Cash.

You can get a free sample chapter of Blog Cash at

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Labels:blogger, make money with blogger, blog info, Google blogger, blogger and affiliate programs

How to Build Your Money Blog
By Liam Smith

With the growth of the World Wide Web, blogging has given a platform and a voice to those of us who may not have had one previously. Blogging will help you get your message out to the public, and you can make money blogging as well.

If you would like to know how to start a blog, here is what you do. Simply do a blog search, and when you find a blog style you like, the homepage will have a link that you can follow to create a blog. After you fill out a short online form, you are on your way to becoming a blogger!

A common beginner blogging mistake is thinking that once you create a blog, viewers and money will start rolling in. Before you learn to blog for money, you should know how to build your blog. The most important thing you can do is post original quality content. When you post your content, always use the spell checker. Proper grammar and spelling will give your blog a more professional look. For more information, do a keyword search for "beginner blogging course" and "beginner blogger products."

Now that you know how to blog, you will need to get some readers. The best way to do this is to visit other blogs, and post quality comments on them. The authors and readers of the other blogs will see your comments, and they may visit your blog and post a few comments themselves. Posting on message boards and forums are also a way to advertise your blog. When you do this, search out message boards that share a common interest with your blog, and offer a link. (If you visit a blog about stamp collecting, and you post a link to a blog post about how to grow tomatoes, you might get banned for spamming.)

Building a good-sized readership is important if you are going to build blogs for money. The more readers you have, the more money you can make. There are many paths to becoming a big time money blogger. One way you can make money with your blog is by using contextual ads. Contextual ads scan your post for content, and automatically put up links to products they think your readers might be interested in. When a reader clicks the ad, you make money. The amount of money ranges from a few cents to a few dollars, but these can build up after time. Contextual ad companies have the blog tools and blog software you need to maximize profits.

A more profitable way to make money blogging is to join a network that will give you access to advertisers who will pay you to post about their products. The more popular your blog is, the more money advertisers are willing to pay you for your posts. (I've seen some that pay as much as $75 dollars for a 200-word post!) If you go this route, remember that you must still post non-advertisement quality content on your blog, and you must continue to advertise your blog for maximum profits.

Now that you know how to build a better blog, and how to make money blogging, the rest is up to you. There is no magic formula that will help you make tons of money overnight, like everything else in life; you will need to work at it. But take my word for it, blogging can be very rewarding.

For more information on Beginner Blogging visit our website at for comprehensive advice, reviews and tips on Blogging Programs that you can use to build your first money blog.

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Labels: blogging, money blog, blog info, money blogging, contextual ads

Online Sophistication